Berkeley UPC - Unified Parallel C



Using Berkeley UPC with TotalView

Totalview support is officially deprecated, unsupported and may be removed in a future release.

As of version 2.2, Berkeley UPC programs can be debugged by the "TotalView" debugger produced by Rogue Wave Software. Support for UPC-level source examination, stepping through UPC code, and examination of shared variable's values are all supported.
If you do not have TotalView, you can also use a regular C debugger and get partial debugging support. See Attaching a regular C debugger to Berkeley UPC programs for details.

Requirements for debugging Berkeley UPC with TotalView

Compiling programs for TotalView

You must compile with the '-tv' flag if you will be debugging your UPC program with TotalView:
     upcc -tv foo.upc
The '-tv' flag implicitly turns on '-g', and also ensures that the executable is instrumented for TotalView support.

TotalView does not currently support pthreaded Berkeley UPC executables: you cannot compile with both '-tv' and '-pthreads'.

Running Berkeley UPC programs under TotalView

Unfortunately, 'upcrun' and TotalView do not yet work together. You must instead use the underlying network spawner for your network type:

Depending on your TotalView installation, you may need to have certain environment variables and/or other settings (such as the TotalView license manager) working correctly. In general, whatever settings you would need to use TotalView with MPI programs will also be needed for debugging UPC programs. On the author's system, for instance, the TVDSVRLAUNCHCMD environment variable must be set to "ssh". Consult your system administrator and/or your TotalView documentation for details.

Setting up TotalView for Berkeley UPC

When you launch a debugging session using one of the above commands, TotalView will open one or more windows. In the main, "root" window, select File > Preferences, and go to the Action Points tab. Change each of the When ... , stop entries to stop the "Thread" rather than the "Process". (This picture shows the default settings where all are set to "Process".)

Close the Preferences Window by hitting the OK button. You'll only need to do this the first time you use TotalView as they'll be saved in your TotalView preferences file.

Setting breakpoints and running your program

For MPI programs, you will see your UPC program's code displayed in the main TotalView window. You may set any breakpoints as you wish in the usual fashion (for instance by left-clicking on the line number), and then hit "Go" to start the program. If you see a dialog asking you if you want to "Stop the parallel job now?", you may select "no", and your program should run until it hits your first breakpoint.

For elan programs, the code for the 'prun' command itself will be shown initially, rather than your UPC code. Hit "Go" to launch 'prun', then attach to the parallel job, and you should see your UPC code, at which time you can select breakpoints and run your UPC code.

TotalView's support for UPC constructs

TotalView supports a number of UPC constructs. For instance, it knows which functions in the stack trace are UPC, and which are part of Berkeley UPC's runtime infrastructure. For example, in the picture below, the "Stack Trace" in the upper left shows that 'print_shared()' and 'user_main()' are UPC code, while the functions marked with 'C' are from the Berkeley runtime initialization logic.

Note: Berkeley UPC renames the 'main()' function in UPC code to 'user_main()'. Other function and variable names in your program will keep their exact name within TotalView.

TotalView also has support for understanding 'shared' variables. If you click on (or otherwise "dive" into) a shared variable in your UPC program, you will see that TotalView correctly displays it. Arrays' values are shown, and pointers to shared data show all the logical components of the pointer-to-shared (address, UPC thread, and phase), as well as the value of the data pointed to. Here, for instance, is the display from clicking on 'shared int bar[4*THREADS]' (this is with THREADS=3, and array values set to bar[0]=0, bar[1]=1, etc.):

Note how the correct type for the array is shown, as well as its address, values, and the affinity of each value (in the "Node" field). (Note: to see the "Node" value, right-click within the header area (the area containing Field and Value in the previous figure) and select "Node").

You can switch which UPC thread is displayed in the main TotalView window by hitting the P+ and P- buttons in the bottom right of the window. "Rank 0" will correspond to UPC thread 0, "Rank 1" to thread 1, etc.

Also, if you are examining a variable that potentially has different values on different UPC threads, you can see all its values by selecting View > Laminate > Process from the menu:

More information

This tutorial has only covered UPC-related features in TotalView. For more information, see your TotalView documentation.



This page last modified on Friday, 28-Oct-2022 15:49:55 PDT