Taken from cdecl(1) character is a synonym for char constant is a synonym for const enumeration is a synonym for enum func is a synonym for function integer is a synonym for int ptr is a synonym for pointer ref is a synonym for reference ret is a synonym for returning structure is a synonym for struct vector is a synonym for array ::= NOTHING | NL ::= NOTHING | declare NAME as | declare | cast NAME into | cast | explain | explain | explain ( ) optional-NAME | set | help | ? | quit | exit ::= array of | array NUMBER of | function returning | function ( ) returning | pointer to | pointer to member of class NAME | reference to | ::= | * | NAME :: * | & ::= ( ) | ( ) | [ ] | [ NUMBER ] | ( ) | NAME ::= NOTHING | ( ) | ( ) ( ) | ( ) ( ) | ( ) | NAME :: * | * | & | [ ] | [ NUMBER ] ::= | | | struct NAME | union NAME | enum NAME | class NAME ::= , | | ::= , | NOTHING | | | as ::= int | char | double | float | void ::= | ::= short | long | unsigned | signed | ::= | NOTHING ::= const | volatile | noalias ::= auto | extern | register | static ::= NOTHING | ::= NOTHING | | create | nocreate | prompt | noprompt | ritchie | preansi | ansi | cplusplus | debug | nodebug | yydebug | noyydebug