AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 no-dependencies # # Makefile for upc runtime and general Berkeley UPC user documentation # # $Source: $ htmldir = $(datadir)/doc/upcc EXTRA_DIST = html \ \ README.crosscompile # Gross hack: the 'html-src' subdir contains the SSI .shtml files we use on our # website. To make the .html files we ship in 'html', we hook 'make dist' to # copy the SSI files and convert all extentions (and hrefs) from .shtml -> .html html: @echo Building HTML.. @BUPC_VERSION=@VERSION@ ; export BUPC_VERSION ; \ if test -d $(top_srcdir)/docs/html-src; then \ rm -Rf html ; \ cp -r $(top_srcdir)/docs/html-src html; \ $(top_srcdir)/docs/ html; \ cp -f $(top_srcdir)/upc-examples/upc_collectivev/README html/user/README-collectivev.txt ; \ fi @echo Done. # If build from src, 'html' in cwd: if build from tarball, in srcdir tree install-data-local: html $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir) if test -d html; then \ cp -r html $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir);\ elif test -d $(top_srcdir)/docs/html; then \ cp -r $(top_srcdir)/docs/html $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir);\ fi -chmod -R a+rX $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/html; -chmod -R u+w $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/html uninstall-local: -chmod -R +w $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/html; rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)/html; temp-clean: rm -rf Makefile clean-local: -rm -rf html .PHONY: html