# Compiler spec file for Intrepid GCC/UPC 4.x, stand-alone version # upc compiler command upc_home = /eng/upc/gcc-upc-dev/wrk/gcc upc_compiler = $upc_home$/gupc dash_g = -g dash_O = -O3 # upc run command # Following replacements are performed: # %N - number of UPC threads # %P - program executable # %A - arguments to program # %B - berkeley-specific upcrun arguments (should appear if and only if this is Berkeley upcrun) upcrun_command = %P -fupc-threads-%N %A # default sysconf file to use # -network setting is ignored for non-UPCR compilers, # just need a sysconf with a relevant batch policy for job execution default_sysconf = smp-interactive-no-pthreads # list of supported compiler features feature_list = driver_gupc,trans_gupc,runtime_gupc,pragma_upc_code,upc_all_free,upc_atomics,upc_castable,upc_collective,upc_nb,upc_tick,upc_types,os_linux,cpu_x86_64,cpu_64,cc_gnu # option to pass upc compiler to get %T static threads upc_static_threads_option = -fupc-threads-%T # option for performing just the source-to-source compile step # or empty if not supported by the compiler upc_trans_option = # colon-delimited path where to find harness.conf files suite_path = $TOP_SRCDIR$/upc-tests:$TOP_SRCDIR$/upc-examples # GNU make gmake = make # misc system tools ar = ar ranlib = ranlib # C compiler & flags (should be empty on upcr/GASNet to auto-detect) cc = gcc cflags = ld = ldflags = libs = # host C compiler (or empty for same as cc) host_cc = host_cflags = host_ld = host_ldflags = host_libs = # known failures, in the format: test-path/test-name[failure comment] | test-name[failure comment] # lines may be broken using backslash # known failures may also include more specific failure/platform selectors, eg: # mupc/test_stress_05-int [compile-all ; (cpu_ia64 || cpu_i686) && os_linux ; Compile failure on Itanium+x86 Linux... ] # known_failures may be empty to use the ones in the harness.conf files known_failures = \ bug6b [compile-warning ;; expect fail but got warning due to large value of UPC_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE] | \ bug7b [compile-failure ; pthreads ; GCC/UPC thread locals are TLS variables (address unknown at compile time)] | \ bug247 [compile-failure ; cpu_32 ; GCC/UPC does not support huge pointer offsets on 32-bit targets] | \ bug317a [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not support casts from shared pointers to integers] | \ bug438 [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC generates undefined external reference to an inlined function when compiled at -O0] | \ bug547 [compile-warning ;; GCC/UPC detects constants that exceed range of 'float'] | \ bug604 [run-crash; cpu_ia64 && structsptr; GCC/UPC invalid code leads to segfault for struct sptr when compiled with optimization (IA64). See GCC Bugzilla bug 50489] | \ bug846 [compile-failure ; cpu_32 ; GCC/UPC does not support the declaration of huge arrays on 32-bit targets] | \ bug899 [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not properly handle #pragma upc c_code, by undefining UPC keywords and reserved identifiers] | \ bug899b [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not properly handle #pragma upc c_code, by undefining UPC keywords and reserved identifiers] | \ bug899b [compile-crash ; static ; GCC/UPC ICE while trying to report syntax error involving (static) THREADS] | \ bug899c [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not properly handle #pragma upc c_code, by undefining UPC keywords and reserved identifiers] | \ bug922 [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not properly handle #pragma upc c_code, by undefining UPC keywords and reserved identifiers] | \ bug2947init [run-crash ; cpu_ia64 ; GCC/UPC generates mis-aligned store to shared struct (IA64)] | \ bug3038a [compile-warning ;; GCC/UPC link fails due to GCC bug 49379 - warning from linker: alignment lost for -ftree-vectorize optimization] | \ bug3051 [compile-warning ;; GCC/UPC issues spurious warning due to GCC bug 62198 - initialization discards qualifier] | \ bug3051 [compile-crash ;; GCC/UPC ICE when compiling sizeof indirect through pointer to shared VLA] | \ bug3056 [compile-warning ;; GCC/UPC issues spurious warning due to GCC bug 62198 - initialization discards qualifier] | \ bug3056 [compile-crash ;; GCC/UPC ICE when compiling sizeof indirect through pointer to shared VLA] | \ gasnet-tests/testconduitspecific [compile-failure ;; Compile-time warning due to gcc 4.5.1 work-around] | \ gasnet-tests/testgasnet-parsync [compile-failure ;; Missing gasnet-udp-parsync library, Makefile problem] | \ guts_main/barrier_neg [run-crash ;; test intended to FAIL, but harness detects as CRASH] | \ gwu/I_case5_ii [run-crash; cpu_ia64 && structsptr; GCC/UPC invalid code leads to segfault for struct sptr when compiled with optimization (IA64). See GCC Bugzilla bug 50489] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-A [compile-failure ; packedsptr || cpu_32 ; GCC/UPC does not support block sizes > 65536 in some configurations] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-A [compile-failure ; pthreads ; GCC/UPC multiple defined symbols error reported for duplicates in .tbss section] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-A [run-match ;; Bug 1508 - btio fails with NaNs] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-S [compile-failure ; pthreads ; GCC/UPC multiple defined symbols error reported for duplicates in .tbss section] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-S [run-match ;; Bug 1508 - btio fails with NaNs] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-W [compile-failure ; packedsptr || cpu_32 ; GCC/UPC does not support block sizes > 65536 in some configurations] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-W [compile-failure ; pthreads ; GCC/UPC multiple defined symbols error reported for duplicates in .tbss section] | \ gwu-npb-upc/btio-W [run-match ;; Bug 1508 - btio fails with NaNs] | \ gwu-npb-upc/cg-A [run-match ; cpu_32 ; bug 653 - NPBs known to fail verification due to application bugs] | \ gwu-npb-upc/cg-S [run-match ; cpu_32 ; bug 653 - NPBs known to fail verification due to application bugs] | \ gwu-npb-upc/cg-W [run-match ; cpu_32 ; bug 653 - NPBs known to fail verification due to application bugs] | \ gwu-npb-upc/mg-S [run-match ;; bug 653 - NPBs known to fail verification: mg-S with thread count >= 16] | \ intrepid/test18 [run-crash; cpu_ia64 && structsptr; GCC/UPC invalid code leads to segfault for struct sptr when compiled with optimization (IA64). See GCC Bugzilla bug 50489] | \ matmult/mat-opt [run-crash ; cpu_ia64 ; bug 2946 - (FP Emulation traps on Altix / error in test)] | \ perverse naming/p2 [compile-failure ;; Known to fail when run more than once, due to bug in Makefile] | \ mupc/test_app_matmult [compile-failure ; narrow_phase ; No syntax to express BlockSize constraint] | \ pearls/z_order1 [compile-failure ; narrow_phase ; No syntax to express BlockSize constraint] | \ sobel/sobel-static [compile-failure ; narrow_phase ; No syntax to express BlockSize constraint] | \ sobel/sobel-static-prefetch [compile-failure ; narrow_phase ; No syntax to express BlockSize constraint] | \ doublereduce/doublereduce [compile-warning ;; GCC/UPC issues spurious warning for calloc(THREADS,...)] | \ spec1.3/issue03 [run-match ;; GCC/UPC does not properly handle a pointer to a shared array type] | \ spec1.3/issue11 [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not allow casts from a pointer-to-shared to an integer] | \ spec1.3/issue11a [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC does not allow casts from a pointer-to-shared to an integer] | \ spec1.3/issue64 [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC allows only integer expressions as upc_barrier/upc_notify/upc_wait statement] | \ spec1.3/issue64a [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC allows only integer expressions as upc_barrier/upc_notify/upc_wait statement] | \ spec1.3/issue64b [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC allows only integer expressions as upc_barrier/upc_notify/upc_wait statement] | \ spec1.3/issue64c [compile-failure ;; GCC/UPC allows only integer expressions as upc_barrier/upc_notify/upc_wait statement] | \ spec1.3/issue71 [compile-pass ; static ; GCC/UPC does not diagnose [*] in typedefs as an error for static threads] | \ spec1.3/issue104 [compile-pass ;; GCC/UPC does not diagnose certain relational operations involving a PTS as an error] | \ spec1.3/issue104a [compile-pass ;; GCC/UPC does not diagnose certain relational operations involving a PTS as an error]