###################################### # CG UPC Benchmarks # # Revision 1.0 12/21/2001 # # # # Department of Computer Science # # University of North Carolina # # # # email: {feasel, huan, prins} @ # # cs.unc.edu # # http://www.cs.unc.edu/~prins # ###################################### ========================================== INSTALLATION Three CG implementations (MPI, OpenMp, UPC) were provided in this package. For documentation on installing and running the CG Parallel Benchmarks, refer to subdirectory Doc. ========================================== Acknowledgement: The MPI implementation is available from NASA website at http://www.nas.nasa.gov/NAS/NPB/ The OpenMP implementation is available on line at http://pdplab.trc.rwcp.or.jp/pdperf/Omni/benchmarks/NPB/ Send comments or suggestions to prins@cs.unc.edu