Index of /download/dist/upc-tests/CGBENCH/UPC
# CG UPC Benchmarks #
# Revision 1.1 06/26/2001 #
# #
# Department of Computer Science #
# University of North Carolina #
# #
# email: {feasel, huan, prins} @ #
# #
# #
Three UPC CG implementations were supported
in this package. They were named as cgB.c(upc)
cgL1.c(upc) and cgL2.c(upc). Please refer to the
associated report for the used parallel schema.
To install the bench mark,
1). Create a subdirectory bin under UPC subdirectory
2). Choosing the right configuration file in config
subdirectory. Two platforms are supported in
this package: SGI origin 2000 and Compaq Alpha cluster.
One configuration template is provided for each of the
two platforms.
3). run the make file with the following parameters:
>make <benchmark-name> CLASS=<class> THREADS=<threads number>
where <benchmark-name> := "CG1" | "CG2" | "CG3"
<class> := "S" | "W" | "A" | "B" | "C"
<threads number> := a nature number
The executable is put in the bin directory
with the format:
cg<suffix>.<class>.<threads number>
where <suffix> := "B" | "L1" | "L2"
To run the benchmark on alpha sever, use prun
to allocate parallel processes
>prun -n <threads number> ./<executable>
To run the benchmark on SGI origin2000
><executable> -fupc-threads-<THREADS>
Note: cleaning all the .o and the executable file
setparams (under sys/) is recommended when switching machines
which are running under the same OS. It is required if
switching between different operating systems.
Change since 1.0
The last two UPC implementations (L1 and L2) in 1.0
is combined into on program (L1) in 1.1. A new implementation,
which follows the MPI scheme and supports the 2D decomposition
of the matrix is provided in 1.1 (L2).
SGI origin 2000 support is made available in this release. This
is done by 1). providing two identical source files
with different suffix. This is used to satisfy the different
compiler requirement. 2). providing two configuration templates
for the two platforms (under config/). Please use the right
template according to the execution platforms.
Limited code change to L1 was made in order to
improve the readability and a bug reported in
the makefile was fixed in this release.
The MPI implementation is available from NASA website at
The OpenMP implementation is available on line at
Send comments or suggestions to