/* CLASS = B */ /* c This file is generated automatically by the setparams utility. c It sets the number of processors and the class of the NPB c in this directory. Do not modify it by hand. */ #define NA 75000 #define NONZER 13 #define NITER 75 #define SHIFT 60.0 #define RCOND 1.0e-1 #define CONVERTDOUBLE FALSE #define COMPILETIME "09 Oct 2003" #define NPBVERSION "2.3" #define NPB_CS1 "(none)" #define NPB_CS2 "(none)" #define NPB_CS3 "(none)" #define NPB_CS4 "(none)" #define NPB_CS5 "(none)" #define NPB_CS6 "(none)" #define NPB_CS7 "(none)"