Re: ranlib requirement in upcc installation

Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 13:09:11 PDT

  • Next message: Dan Bonachea: "RE: a small issue in berkeley upc"
    On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 03:11:02PM -0600, P Mehta wrote:
    > Hello,
    >   I am trying to install your UPC compiler (1.1.0) on an SGI Origin 2100
    > running SGI IRIX 6.5.  Unfortunately, IRIX lacks ranlib, which appears to
    > be required for configuration and subsequent installation of the compiler.
    > I believe that 'ar' can accomplish the same task, but I am unsure how to
    > alter the script to use ar instead of ranlib.
    > Paras Mehta
    Our existing release is supposed to work if ranlib is not present on
    your system ('touch' will be used instead).  Could you send me the
    'config.log' output and/or the error output that you saw on your screen
    when you tried to build our system?  We'll look into it.
    Jason Duell             Future Technologies Group
    <jcduell_at_lbl_dot_gov>       Computational Research Division
    Tel: +1-510-495-2354    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  • Next message: Dan Bonachea: "RE: a small issue in berkeley upc"