Re: how to synchronise a subrange of all the threads

From: Parry Husbands (pjrhusbands_at_lbl_dot_gov)
Date: Fri Jan 07 2005 - 09:19:52 PST

  • Next message: Dan Bonachea: "Re: Bleeding edge"
    Venelin Mitov wrote:
    > The problem is that is a subrange of 0..THREADS-1, so
    > upc_barrier cannot be used.
    > Can you propose me an effective solution (maybe something with
    > upc_locks which works like "upc_barrier for threads")?
    Unfortunately UPC does not have a built-in facility for synchronizing 
    subsets of threads.  There are two solutions:
    - If the algorithm is synchronous enough, you might be able to get by 
    with upc_barrier.
    - You can use the global memory to write the necessary synchronization 
    primitives yourself.  I've got such a library written.  I can try to 
    clean it up and send it to you if you like.

  • Next message: Dan Bonachea: "Re: Bleeding edge"