upcr checkin: minor improvement to the heuristic used to output C compiler/linker

From: Dan Bonachea (bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu)
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 16:52:00 PST

  • Next message: Philippe Clauss: "remote UPC translator down"
    Dan Bonachea <bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu>
     committed changes to cvs project: upcr
     on Thu Jan 13 16:47:02 PST 2005
     --- Log message ---
    minor improvement to the heuristic used to output C compiler/linker 
    version info in upcc --version, to prevent false identification when the
    command name is something like "whatever-3.3"
    This is a tweak to upcc, so it won't be generally available until the 
    next runtime snapshot is posted for download - however, the change is
    purely cosmetic and doesn't affect compilation in any way.
     --- Changed files ---
     --- Diffs ---
    Index: upcr/upcc.pl
    diff -c upcr/upcc.pl:1.270 upcr/upcc.pl:1.271
    *** upcr/upcc.pl:1.270	Mon Jan 10 16:15:48 2005
    --- upcr/upcc.pl	Thu Jan 13 16:47:02 2005
    *** 385,390 ****
    --- 385,394 ----
          my $val = undef;
          foreach my $opt ("-V", "-v", "-V $tmpfile", "-v $tmpfile") {
            my $result = `$command $opt 2>&1`; 
    +       # recognize known-bad "try again" strings
    +       $result =~ s/^.*?option must have argument.*?$//g; # gcc
    +       $result =~ s/^.*?issued in code written for previous.*?$//g; # xlc-darwin
    +       $result =~ s/^.*?[cC]onversion.*?$//g; # xlc-darwin
            if ($result =~ /^(.*version.*(\n.*)?)$/im) {
              $val = $1; last; 
            } elsif ($result =~ /^(.*Rev.*(\n.*)?)$/m) {

  • Next message: Philippe Clauss: "remote UPC translator down"