From: Marc L. Smith (mlsmith_at_colby_dot_edu)
Date: Thu Jun 23 2005 - 12:50:31 PDT
Hi Jason, I think I get the same error from 2.1 -- here's the transcript: ~~~ mlsmith@n1:~/upc> upcc --network udp -o hello -T 4 helloworld2.upc Error during remote HTTP translation: upcc: error during UPC-to-C translation (sgiupc stage): Error: Signal Segmentation fault in phase Writing WHIRL file -- processing aborted sgiupc ERROR: /usr/local/upc/2.1/translator/compilers/open64/ osprey1.0/build_ia64/gccfe/gfec died due to signal 4 mlsmith@n1:~/upc> ~~~ In my haste to build 2.1.0 beta, I overwrote my 2.0.1 build (didn't change the configure options for the new prefix). I thought I was doing a good thing going with the Intel compiler, but perhaps I should switch back to GNU??? -Marc On Jun 23, 2005, at 3:02 PM, jcduell_at_lbl_dot_gov wrote: > Mark: > > The easiest fix is probably for you to download our "beta" (2.1.0), > and > try that instead of the 2.0.1 release. Could you give that a quick > try?