Re: Installation GCC error

From: Dan Bonachea (bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu)
Date: Thu Dec 01 2005 - 11:33:37 PST

  • Next message: Sirisha Muppavarapu: "Profiler"
    As the error message says, you should see /home/rsalama/GASNet-1.6/config.log 
    for details for details of what went wrong (look near the end). Most likely 
    your C++ installation is missing the shared libraries required to run C++ 
    You can workaround the C++ problem using --disable-udp if you do not need 
    udp-conduit (Ethernet) functionality.
    Hope this helps..
    At 01:54 AM 12/1/2005, Rafik Salama wrote:
    >Dear Sirs
    >I am trying to install the UPC on a cluster on our university to do some 
    >benchmarks, but every time I try to install it, I get error
    >"checking working C++ compiler executables... no
    >configure error: Cannot run executables created with C++ compiler. If you're 
    >attempting to cross-compile
    >configure: error: See /home/rsalama/GASNet-1.6/config.log for details."
    >Although I am using g++ as the c++ compiler of version 4.0.2.
    >Our cluster in the university is described here 
    >Please reply ASAP
    >Rafik Salama
    >Systems Architect
    >CIT Global
    >CIT Building, Free Zone
    >Nasr City,
    >P.O.Box 11816, Cairo, Egypt
    >Tel : +202 271 8794 (ext. 115)
    >Fax : +202 2748335
    >Cell: +2010 5410035

  • Next message: Sirisha Muppavarapu: "Profiler"