UPC-IO and Berkeley UPC

From: Samy Bahra (sbahra_at_gwu_dot_edu)
Date: Fri Sep 22 2006 - 18:18:39 PDT

  • Next message: Konstantin Kleisouris: "Re: building libgasnet-smp-seq.a ..."
    I'm wondering, why not provide a flag to have the ability to link custom UPC-IO implementations? Or even better, why not factor out the IO library outside of the compiler? It is a UPC extension anyways. This will help with people doing PIO development (and allow for flexibility in selection of libraries).
    Maybe the next standard should explicitly define these things.
    Samy Al Bahra
      `------ http://samy.kerneled.org/

  • Next message: Konstantin Kleisouris: "Re: building libgasnet-smp-seq.a ..."