From: luxingjing (eirc.lew_at_gmail_dot_com)
Date: Mon Dec 15 2008 - 03:45:03 PST
Hi, Recently, I installed mvapich1.1 and the network is infiniband. In the last, I install brkeley_upc-2.8 whose conduit is infiniband-ibv, And the upcrun will use mpirun( mvapich ) to layout the thread. I write the nodes from $PBS_NODEFILE to a file hosts, and MPIRUNCMD is MPIRUN_CMD="${MPIRUN_CMD:-/home/paraorc/lxj/mvapich1.1/bin/mpirun -machinefile /home/paraorc/lxj/test/hosts -np %N %C } And the in the pbs the upcrun CMD is: /home/paraorc/lxj/upc_ibv/bin/upcrun -n 4 /home/paraorc/lxj/test/hello But when I qsub hello.pb, in the file hello.e the errors are: Child exited abnormally! Killing remote processes...DONE Wish your help. Thank you!