Will UPC caches remote data?

From: Junchao Zhang (junchao.zhang_at_gmail_dot_com)
Date: Thu Mar 25 2010 - 14:27:40 PDT

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: Will UPC caches remote data?"
     As a new UPC user, I have a question about the UPC remote data access.
     Suppose A is a shared array. One process reads A[i] and it is a
    remote read. If it reads A[i] again, and suppose A[i] is not updated
    by other processes, what will happen?
     Will UPC issues a remote access again or just uses the cached data?
    If it is the latter, who did this optimization?
    Junchao Zhang

  • Next message: Paul H. Hargrove: "Re: Will UPC caches remote data?"