Index of /download/dist/harness

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSize

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -
[DIR]contrib/2022-10-28 13:54 -
[DIR]sysconfs/2022-10-28 13:54 -
[   ]runjobs.in2022-10-28 13:54 29
[   ]tune_max_compile_jobs.in2022-10-28 13:54 65
[   ]harness.in2022-10-28 13:54 225
[   ]upc-wrapper2022-10-28 13:54 1.2K
[   ]Makefile.am2022-10-28 13:54 1.4K
[   ]checkfail.in2022-10-28 13:54 1.8K
[   ]sgi-upc.spec2022-10-28 13:54 1.9K
[   ]ibm-upc.spec2022-10-28 13:54 1.9K
[   ]compiler.spec.in2022-10-28 13:54 2.0K
[   ]cray-upc.spec2022-10-28 13:54 2.8K
[   ]hp-upc.spec2022-10-28 13:54 3.6K
[TXT]tune_max_compile_jobs.pl2022-10-28 13:56 5.2K
[   ]cupc.spec2022-10-28 13:54 7.9K
[   ]gupc.spec2022-10-28 13:54 8.0K
[   ]cupc-upcr.spec.in2022-10-28 13:54 8.6K
[TXT]harness_util.pl2022-10-28 13:56 8.8K
[   ]gupc-upcr.spec.in2022-10-28 13:54 9.8K
[   ]cupc2c.spec.in2022-10-28 13:54 12K
[TXT]README2022-10-28 13:54 15K
[TXT]runjobs.pl2022-10-28 13:56 20K
[   ]Makefile.in2022-10-28 13:55 25K
[TXT]harness.pl2022-10-28 13:56 150K

NOTE: This document has NOT been kept up-to-date as new features
have been added.  It should still be mostly correct, but is incomplete.

The UPC test harness scripts

  *    = the main test harness PERL script
  *    = the script that runs the test applications
  * sysconf       = template for a harness system configuration
  * alvarez       = sample system configuration file for
  * seaborg       = sample system configuration file for
  * flyer         = sample system configuration file for

The intent of the harness is to automate the compilation and
execution of the test codes in the UPC test suites.  Of the
various test suites in the bupc-testsuite directory, currently
only "gwu" and "mupc" have been configured to work with this harness.

The harness requires a certain amount of system configuration in
order to work.  Template configuration files are provided alvarez
and seaborg.  In addition, various command line options can be
specified to over-ride configuration file values.

In particular, the harness gets the following info from the 
system configuration file:

harness_dir:        where does the test harness live?
testsuite_dir:      where is the bupc-testsuite?
testsuites:         which suites (subdirs) of bupc-testsuite to use?
logroot:            where to place the logs, reports, batch scripts, etc.
network:            which network (e.g. GASNet conduit) to use?
batch_sys:          which batch system to use (pbs, loadleveler or interactive)
queues:             which batch queues to use, what are their properties
                    and in what order of preference?
repository:         which repository to charge when running in the batch
                    system?  (may be ignored on systems that don't charge
                    for time).
nthread_default:    Number of UPC threads to use when running a test.
                    Individual tests can over-ride this default.
max_proc_per_node:  The maximum number of processes per node that 
                    will be used when running the test.

Note: read the header in the system configuration file to understand
      the format.  Basically, you can construct structures similar
      to PERL data structures.  Note also that strings of the form
      %NAME% will be replaced by ENV{NAME} when the file is read.

Command line options:
   -nocompile         Do not compile the test suite.
   -norun             Generate the run scripts, but do not submit them to run.
   -sysconf=file      [REQUIRED] Specify the system configuration file.
   -threads=N         Specify default number of UPC threads.
   -pthreads=N        Specify number of pthreads per process.
   -ppn=N             Specify max number of processes per node.
   -network=s         Specify the network [e.g. GASNet conduit].
   -suite=name        Specify name of test suite(s) to run.
                      [NOTE: May be a comma seperated list or this option
			     may be specified multiple times]
   -repo=name         Specify name accounting repository.
   -filepat=string    Specify a filename pattern.  Only tests in the
                         suite(s) that match this pattern will be compiled/run.
   -runlimit=N        Default runtime limit (in seconds) for each test 
   -features=str      Comma-separated list of features supported by compilation environment
                      Set automatically when running within upcr
   -add_feature       Comma-separated list of features to be added without
                      removing any automatically set -features= list
   -del_feature       Comma-separated list of features to be removed
                      Mixed -add_feature and -del_feature are processed in order

Note that some of these values (threads, ppn, network, suite, repo, upccdir)
will over-ride the values in the system configuration file.

What does do?
(1) reads the system configuration file and parses the command line
(2) constructs a date and timestamped subdirectory of logroot.  The
    directory name will be of the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.  This directory
    will contain files named:
      log          = harness log file.  Look here if problems occur.
      compile.rpt  = status of each test_app compliation
      run.rpt      = status of each test_app execution
      qscript_XXX  = automatically generated batch queue script used to
                     run a set of test_apps.
      runlist_XXX  = list of test_apps that have yet to be run by
(2) for each specified test suite, the harness will:
    (a) read the harness configuration file (harness.conf).  This file
        specifies what compilation/run tests to perform and how to 
        determine success/failure of each test.
    (b) for each test in the harness:
        * compile the test (unless the -nocompile command line
          flag was specified) and search for the strings
          "error" and "warning" coming back to stdout/stderr.
        * record the success/failure in the compile.rpt file.
        * if the test was supposed to pass compilation and did, then
          submit the test to a runlist.  The harness will select a
          list based on the total number of processes required to 
          run the application.  The harness computes the number
          of processes required by dividing the number of UPC threads
          by the number of pthreads (if specified) then selects a batch
          queue to use, and decides on the number of processes that
          will run on each node, and the number of nodes to use.
          All the jobs requiring the same number of processes will be
          put on the same runlist.  A self-submitting queue script
          will be generated for each runlist.
(3) After all suites have been processes, the harness will submit
    each of the queue scripts to the batch system, unless the
    -norun command line option was specified.
(4) At some point, the job is run.  The queue script executes the
    "" PERL script with the runlist as one of its arguments.
    It also informs the the total number of seconds allowed
    by this queue.  The script selects applications from the
    runlist that are expected to complete before the queue limits expire.
    The applications are executed under a watchdog, that will kill the
    job if it exceeds its specified time limit.  After the application 
    completes, determine the success or failure of the run
    and writes an entry into the "run.rpt" file.
    If the script is running out of time, without running
    all the jobs in the queue, it terminates with a special error code.
    The queue script captures this error code and re-submits itself
    to be run again if not all the apps were processed.

The Testsuite configuration files:
Each testsuite requires a configuration file named "harness.conf".
As an example, here is part of harness.conf for the gwu suite:

   Files:          $TESTNAME$.upc
   DynamicThreads: $DEFAULT$
   StaticThreads:  $DEFAULT$
   CompileResult:  pass
   PassExpr:       ^Success:
   FailExpr:       ^Failure:
   ExitCode:       0
   BuildCmd:       upcc
   TimeLimit:      $DEFAULT$


   # ------------------------------------------------------------
   WildCard:  <*>.upc

   # ------------------------------------------------------------
   TestName:       I_case_i
   CompileResult:  fail

   # ------------------------------------------------------------
   TestName:       I_case1_ii
   CompileResult:  fail

Each test is defined by a series of stanzas beginning with the
name "TestName".  All subsequent stanzas define the attributes
for this test.  A special set of stanzas, between the
apply to all tests, unless specifically re-defined by the 
In the above example, test I_case_i will inherit all the 
attributes from the default section, except that the 
value of CompileResult will be replaced with 'fail'.

Note the "WildCard" stanza is special, and allows 
file globing to auto-generate test configurations rather
than having to list them all.  In this case, all files
in the directory with of the form *.upc will generate
a test configuration.  The test configuration name
will be generated by stripping the '.upc' from the 
name.  For example, the file 'foo.upc' will generate a config
named 'foo'.  Note that the angle brackets in the wildcard
expression determine which portion of the name to keep.

Stanza definitions:
  * BuildCmd:       specify whether to use 'make' or 'upcc'
  * Flags:          additional flags to be passed to upcc or make
  * Files:          list of files that need to be compiled in order
                    to build the app.  This is only needed if using
                    upcc directly.
  * CompileResults: Is the test supposed to compile (pass) or is
                    it a negative test, and supposed to generate
                    a compiler error (fail).
  * DynamicThreads: list of UPC thread counts.  The application will
                    be run once for each thread number.  Note that
                    a dynamic-thread binary will not be built if
                    the only number in the list is zero.
  * StaticThreads:  list of UPC thread counts.  A static-thread
                    binary will be compiled for each value.  No
                    static binaries will be built if the only 
                    number in the list is zero.
  * PassExpr:       A PERL regular expression.  0 => ignore. See below.
  * FailExpr:       A PERL regular expression.  0 => ignore. See below.
  * ExitCode:       The expected exit code when running the application
                    or the string 'ignore'.
  * RunCmd:         command to use for running application, defaults to upcrun
                    can be preceded by an optional "feature-expression ;"
  * RunCmdArgs:     additional arguments to pass to RunCmd
  * AppArgs:        run-time arguments needed by the application
                    can be preceded by an optional "feature-expression ;"
  * AppEnv:         run-time environment variables needed by the application, 
                    in format suitable for env, ie: VAR="val" VAR2="val2"
                    can be preceded by an optional "feature-expression ;"
  * BenchmarkResult: marks harness tests which should report performance
		    information, and is a perl regex that is used to extract
		    the performance metric and units from the program output.
                    BenchmarkResult also implies SaveOutput.
  * RequireFeature: Marks a test as relying on a comma-separated list of features 
                    that must all be provided by the compilation environment
                    (otherwise the test is skipped)
		    May alternately be a feature-expression, where the test is selected
		    iff the expression evaluates to true.
	            Interesting feature values include: 
                     [no]pthreads,network_[networktype] - see harness log for complete list
  * ProhibitFeature: Marks a test as not supporting a comma-separated list of features 
                    If the compilation environment includes any of these features, the
                    test is skipped
		    May alternately be a feature-expression, where the test is skipped
		    iff the expression evaluates to true.
  * KnownFailure: Marks a test which is known to fail in a particular way (see below)
  * WarningFilter: Gives a perl regex to be ignored in compiler output (see below)

Special strings (not all valid in every context):
  * $TESTNAME$      will be replaced with the name of the test.
  * $DEFAULT$       will be replaced with the default number value
                    specified in the script.
  * $THREADS$       will be replaced with the number of UPC threads
                    valid in Limit and TimeLimit
  * $VARNAME$       will be replaced with the value of $VARNAME in the environment,
                    with an error if the variable is not set
  * !VARNAME!       will be replaced with the value of $VARNAME in the environment,
                    or empty (without error) if the variable is not set

Runtime pass/fail:
Three status values are recorded in the run.rpt file 
for each application.  Timeout, ExitCode and Match.  
The most useful is the MATCH results.  The harness scans the
standard output of the test run looking for strings that
match the FailExpr and PassExpr.  If FailExpr is defined (non-zero)
and a match is found, the test fails.  If no FailExpr is found
and a PassExpr is defined and found, the test passes.  If PassExpr
is defined but not found, the test fails.

      ok           The test ran within the allowed limit
    FAILED         The watchdog killed the job because it ran for too long
      na           The watchdog killed the job, no exit code
    ignore         Told to ignore the exit code
      ok           The exit code matched ExitCode.
    FAILED         The exit code differed from ExitCode

    ignore         no regular expressions to match
      ok           no FailExpr is found, and PassExpr is found
    FAILED         FailExpr is found, or no PassExpr is found

The KnownFailure syntax is very expressive to allow for precise definitions of
known problems:

  KnownFailure: [mode[,mode...]]; feature-expression; bug desc...

Any given test may have multiple KnownFailure lines, and they are processed in
order - the first matching KnownFailure line (if any) will be the one whose
description is reported for a failure.

The mode list and feature-expression are optional, and default to a match, but
the semicolons must be present. One exception: for backwards-compatibility

  KnownFailure: desc... 

is accepted as a shorthand for this:

  KnownFailure: ; ; desc...

  comma-delimited list of failure modes to which this known failure applies.
This should be set as specific as possible while still capturing all the known
failure modes for the known bug described in the description. Legal values are:

  all - all failures
  compile-all - all compile-time failures
  compile-warning - compilation succeeds as expected, with an unexpected warning
  compile-failure - all other forms of compilation failures (errors, unexpected success, etc)
  run-all - all runtime failures
  run-match - output match failure at runtime
  run-crash - crash at runtime
  run-time - timeout at runtime
  run-mem - memory exhaustion at runtime
  run-exit - bad exit code at runtime

  boolean expression of compiler features (eg "network_lapi && (cpu_64 ||
os_aix) && nodebug") that must return true for a configuration known to exhibit
the bug described in the description. Consult upcc -version to see the list of
features active for a given configuration.
  The tokens "_threads" expands to the number of UPC threads

The WarningFilter syntax allows for specific lines of output from the compile
step to be ignored when detecting compile-warning or compile-failure.

  WarningFilter: [feature-expression;] perl regex