Re: Allocation of Large Shared Arrays

From: Costin Iancu (cciancu_at_lbl_dot_gov)
Date: Wed Jun 22 2005 - 17:45:49 PDT

  • Next message: Nico Kasprzyk: "No code in procedure user_main"
    Jonathan, there's an open bug for allocating large areas of memory - bug 1140
    It might be that the same scenario happens in your application.
    I remember I had similar problems  on Seaborg some time ago. Whenever an
    application uses large areas of memory, you need to pass special linker
    options to xlc. I don't remember the exact  syntax, but it should be in
    the man pages for xlc . It was something like -bmaxdata=...
    In order to have our tools  passing the option to the backend compiler
    and linker, you need to add "-Wc,-bmaxdata=..." and -Wl,-bmaxdata=..."
    to the upcc comand line. 
    Hope this helps,
    > Hello,
    > I'm getting an allocation error when using the upc_all_alloc function on 
    > lists of integers with more than 2^22 items.  I've tried increasing the 
    > shared heap size to 1 GB on Seaborg, but am still getting the allocation 
    > error.  Is there something special about allocating very large shared 
    > arrays?
    > Thanks,
    > Jonathan
    > Jonathan L. Brown
    > jonlbro_at_eecs_dot_umich_dot_edu
    Costin C. Iancu                                 cciancu_at_lbl_dot_gov
    Future Technologies Group                       Phone: 510-495-2122
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory           Fax:   510-486-6900

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