Re: GASP or other UPC profiler on Seaborg

From: Dan Bonachea (bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu)
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 11:56:08 PST

  • Next message: Eric Frederich: "Installation"
    At 11:24 AM 11/7/2005, Jonathan L Brown wrote:
    >Dear LBL UPC Users group,
    >Is there a UPC profiler available on Seaborg at NERSC so I can get time in 
    >various communication operations, like GASP?
    If you compile with:
       /usr/common/ftg/upc/nightly/32/runtime/inst/bin/upcc -g
    then you can use the upc_trace tool to profile your communication.
    Note the -g seaborg build above is a debug/tracing build, which gives you 
    tracing but also disables compiler optimization and will negatively impact 
    performance (in addition to the tracing overheads). However, it will 
    accurately report message counts and sizes (which is often enough to find 
    bottlenecks). If you're interesting in more accurate timing information, you 
    can rebuild Berkeley UPC, configuring with --enable-trace (without 
    --enable-debug) or even just --enable-stats alone to reduce the overhead of 
    The install we maintain on seaborg does not have the GASP support enabled 
    (need to configure with --enable-profile), but the GASP tools currently 
    available are less useful that Berkeley's upc_trace (UFL has just started 
    their tool-building efforts, more to come...).
    >Thank you,
    >Jonathan L. Brown

  • Next message: Eric Frederich: "Installation"