FW: upcrun & upc_barrier ...

From: Proshanta Saha (sahap_at_gwu_dot_edu)
Date: Tue Sep 05 2006 - 08:38:15 PDT

  • Next message: Kathy Yelick: "RE: About UPC"
    Hi Kosta,
    I am not all that familiar with the udp conduit, and seeing as one of the
    conduits (SMP) works, your installation is fine. I think the Berkeley team
    can assist you further. 
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Konstantin Kleisouris [mailto:kkonst_at_cs_dot_rutgers_dot_edu] 
    Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 11:07 AM
    To: Proshanta Saha
    Subject: Re: upcrun & upc_barrier ...
    Hi Proshanta,
       What I get from 'upcc -version' on both clusters has been attached
    to the current e-mail. 
       So, the 'Working' file attached is what I get from the cluster where
    I don't get any problems.
       The 'NotWorking' file attached is what I get from the cluster where
    I have the problem.
        However, I have to mention here that I get this problem if I
    compile my program with -network=udp. If I compile with -network=smp,
    then upcrun works fine on both clusters. Just -network=udp gives me
    problems on one of my clusters. Is there sth that needs to be enabled
    that might not be enabled on one of my clusters?
    On Mon, 4 Sep 2006 22:37:05 -0400
     "Proshanta Saha" <sahap_at_gwu_dot_edu> wrote:
    > Hi Kosta,
    > It is quite strange that the exact install on both clusters results
    > in one
    > running and the second giving you an error. Can you provide us with
    > your
    > 'upcc -version' output from both of your clusters. I just want to get
    > an
    > idea of what's different between them. 
    > Proshanta
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: UPC Developers Forum Help line [mailto:UPC-HELP_at_hermes_dot_gwu_dot_edu]
    > On
    > Behalf Of Konstantin Kleisouris
    > Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:14 PM
    > To: UPC-HELP_at_hermes_dot_gwu_dot_edu
    > Subject: upcrun & upc_barrier ...
    > Hi everyone,
    >   I am trying to run my program using upcrun on a cluster of machines
    > as follows:
    > > upcrun -n 8 prog1 arg1 arg2 arg3
    >   I have compiled my program with -pthreads=4 and -network=udp.
    > However, I always get the message:
    > upcrun: nodes not specified!  See RUNNING UDP-BASED UPC JOBS in 'man
    > upcrun'
    >    The strange thing is that when I try to run the same program on
    > another cluster I don't get this message. On both clusters I have
    > installed UPC the same way. I have also set the variable
    > so that it points to a file with a list of machine names.
    >    Is there something special needed for upcrun to work? I can not
    > figure out why it does not work on one of my clusters.
    >    Has anyone of you implemented a function that is similar to
    > upc_barrier but applies to a specific subset of threads? If yes, how
    > can this be done?
    > Kosta

  • Next message: Kathy Yelick: "RE: About UPC"