Problems with ISO image

From: Bernd Marquardt ([email protected])
Date: Tue Sep 12 2006 - 17:02:40 PDT

  • Next message: Dan Bonachea: "Re: Problems with ISO image"
    I have tried to download several times during the last weeks the "Berkeley
    UPC v2.2.2 Binary Installer" (ISO image for Windows without Cygwin), but it
    seems the file is corrupt. When burning the image to a disk, the burning
    software stops before the last 100 Mbytes. I try this with two PC's and two
    different burning software applications. Please can you check the file? I'm
    very interested in UPC parallel programming. At the moment I do a lot of
    parallel stuff with OpenMP.
    Best regards,
    Bernd Marquardt

  • Next message: Dan Bonachea: "Re: Problems with ISO image"