Re: UPC does not show up

From: Mike Kucera (mkucera_at_ca_dot_ibm_dot_com)
Date: Thu Feb 05 2009 - 08:04:25 PST

  • Next message: Tahar Amari: "Re: UPC does not show up"
    I think that update site might only work for Eclipse 3.4. Could you please
    verify your eclipse version: Help > About Eclipse. Or maybe you have a
    connection problem and can't reach the update site.
    Alternatively you can try installing UPC from a zip file. Here are the
    To install without using a remote update site:
       1. Download the "cdt master" file from the CDT builds site (

          Choose the one that says "final" and save it to your computer.
       2. Launch Eclipse, bring up software updates as described before
                Help, Software Updates... Under Available Software, Click "Add
                Site" then click "Archive..."
       3. Enter the location of the cdt-master zip you downloaded.
       4. Continue as before and select the CDT and/or UPC features you want to
       5. Restart eclipse when prompted.
    Mike Kucera
    Software Developer
    IBM Eclipse CDT Team
    | From:      |
      |Tahar Amari <[email protected]>                                                                                                         |
    | To:        |
      |Mike Kucera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA                                                                                                                     |
    | Cc:        |
      |Tahar Amari <[email protected]>, Dan Bonachea <bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu>, owner-upc-users_at_lbl_dot_gov, upc-users_at_lbl_dot_gov              |
    | Date:      |
      |02/05/2009 10:49 AM                                                                                                                               |
    | Subject:   |
      |Re: UPC does not show up                                                                                                                          |
    Hi Mike,
    Sorry after the step  5 is performed
    I have an error message : "No features found on the selected site. Choose a
    different site or site category"
    T. Amari
    Centre de Physique Theorique
    Ecole Polytechnique
    91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
    tel : 33 1 69 33 42 52
    fax: 33 1 69 33 30 08
    email: <mailto:[email protected]>
    URL :
    Le 5 f�vr. 09 � 16:32, Mike Kucera a �crit :
          Hi Tahar,
          After installing Eclipse did you follow the instructions for
          installing the UPC plug-in using the update manager? In case you
          missed this step here are the instructions:
          To use the update manager to install UPC support
                1. Start Eclipse
                2. Help > Software Updates ...
                3. Select "Available Software" tab at top
                4. Select "Add Site..."
                5. Select "New Remote Site" and enter
                6. Expand the item to see the features it includes.
                7. Check the features you want to install. Under CDT Optional
                Features, check "Unified Parallel C Support"
                8. Click the "Install" Button in the upper right corner.
                9. Review the items that appear in the "Install" Dialog, and
                click "Next>"
                10. Accept the license terms, and click "Finish"
                11. The CDT features are downloaded and installed; restart
                Eclipse when prompted.
          I tried following these instructions with Eclipse 3.4 and CDT 5.0 and
          it works for me. Is this the way you installed it? I'm not using a
          mac but I know a few people who do use macs and they have not had any
          problems getting UPC to work (that I know of).
          If its still not working here are a couple things you could try:
          1) The UPC feature depends on the "LR Parser" feature. When you
          install UPC it is supposed to calculate the dependencies and install
          the LR Parser for you but perhaps it didn't. Try manually installing
          the LR Parser the same way you installed the UPC plugin.
          2) Check if there is anything UPC related in the error log, this may
          give a clue to the problem. Go to Window > Show View > Other... >
          General > Error Log.
          Mike Kucera
          Software Developer
          IBM Eclipse CDT Team
          <graycol.gif>Tahar Amari ---02/05/2009 09:52:05 AM---Hello Mike, I
          installed successifully Eclipse on Mac OS X and followed your link
     <ecblan <ecblank.gif>                                                     
     k.gif>  Tahar Amari <[email protected]>                         
     <ecblan <ecblank.gif>                                                     
     k.gif>  Mike Kucera/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA                                     
     <ecblan <ecblank.gif>                                                     
     k.gif>  Dan Bonachea <bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu>, Tahar Amari <            
     Cc:     [email protected]>, owner-upc-users_at_lbl_dot_gov,      
     <ecblan <ecblank.gif>                                                     
     k.gif>  02/05/2009 09:52 AM                                               
     <ecblan <ecblank.gif>                                                     
     k.gif>  UPC does not show up                                              
          Hello Mike,
          I installed successifully Eclipse on Mac OS X and followed your link
          Unfortunately when I a arrived at the point
          Open C/C++, Language Mappings add a content type "C Source File"
          Language "UPC"
          No UPC choice is available , but only 3 choices, assembly, Gnu c, Gnu
          Do you know how to make this work please ?
          Many thanks
          Le 4 f�vr. 09 � 17:16, Mike Kucera a �crit :
                      Eclipse supports editing of UPC source code.
                      There is a UPC parser plug-in for Eclipse CDT, here are
                      instructions on how to set it up:
                      Mike Kucera
                      Software Developer
                      IBM Eclipse CDT Team
                      <graycol.gif>Dan Bonachea ---02/04/2009 10:48:39 AM---To
                      my knowledge we have not done any work to integrate BUPC
                      with the xcode
     <ecblank.gif>   <ecblank.gif>                                             
     From:           Dan Bonachea <bonachea_at_cs_dot_berkeley_dot_edu>                   
     <ecblank.gif>   <ecblank.gif>                                             
     To:             Tahar Amari <[email protected]>,                
     <ecblank.gif>   <ecblank.gif>                                             
     Date:           02/04/2009 10:48 AM                                       
     <ecblank.gif>   <ecblank.gif>                                             
     Subject:        Re: question                                              
                      To my knowledge we have not done any work to integrate
                      BUPC with the xcode
                      project system, everything we do is purely console-based.
                      It may be possible
                      to teach the xcode GUI to recognize it (and in fact, we
                      have an open
                      enhancement request to do exactly that
                      but I don't think
                      we've looked into that yet.
                      If you do manage to get something working, we'd happily
                      accept a contribution
                      of the relevant tweaks required :)
                      At 07:23 AM 2/4/2009, Tahar Amari wrote:
                      >I am new in UPC community. I have dowlnoaded binary
                      installer for UPC on Mac
                      >OS X/Leopard.
                      >I would like  to create a Xcode Project  which uses UPC
                      compiler and thus
                      >show it in the list of  possible compilers
                      >for the project.
                      >I do not know how to do this . Is this possible please ?
                      >Many thanks
                      >T. Amari
                      >Centre de Physique Theorique
                      >Ecole Polytechnique
                      >91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
                      >tel : 33 1 69 33 42 52
                      >fax: 33 1 69 33 30 08
                      ><<mailto:[email protected]>
                      mailto:[email protected]>
                      >URL :
                      >T. Amari
                      >Centre de Physique Theorique
                      >Ecole Polytechnique
                      >91128 Palaiseau Cedex France
                      >tel : 33 1 69 33 42 52
                      >fax: 33 1 69 33 30 08
                      ><<mailto:[email protected]>
                      mailto:[email protected]>
                      >URL :

  • Next message: Tahar Amari: "Re: UPC does not show up"