Two-dimensional block allocation in UPC

From: P Mehta (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 08:12:17 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Allan: "upc/gasnet with LAMPI over vapi"
      I am testing out UPC as a system for parallel programming and was
    curious about a particular form of memory allocation.
      Is there an idiom or workaround or simple solution to allocate blocks of
    memory to different threads?  For example, if I have a square,
    two-dimensional array, can I assign each quadrant to one of four separate
    arrays?  It seems, with the current set-up, that I can assign whole
    columns, or blocks of columns to a particular thread, but not
    two-dimensional blocks as pictured in the attachment.
    Thank you for your help,
    Paras Mehta

  • Next message: Ben Allan: "upc/gasnet with LAMPI over vapi"